With Chinese State Council reporting that authorities seized more than 80 million counterfeit or faulty masks and 370,000 defective or fake disinfectants and other anti-coronavirus products in one month alone,... read more →
This article gives valuable tips for companies facing a potential recall or retrofit. Especially companies with an international distribution network should know which industry or local regulatory standards or notice... read more →
As in many areas of daily life, artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly important in medicine. It can help recognizing cancer earlier or to detect diseases - but what if the... read more →
In this article, Philipp Reusch, lecturer for product liability and product safety at RWTH University Aachen, explains his point of view on when artificial intelligence developers should be held liable... read more →
Surgical robots have quickly become the standard for a wide variety of surgical procedures. On jdsupra.com Mihai Vrasmasu has summarized the trends in product liability litigation in the surgical robotics... read more →
In an in-depth interview, Steven Steinborn, attorney and partner at Hogan Lovells in Washington, D.C., talks about the role of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. It has regulatory authority... read more →
The debate about diesel driving bans and hardware upgrades is still in full swing in Germany. How useful are they? Is there a legal basis to force hardware upgrades by... read more →
Can Social Media Monitoring support pharmacovigilance? An Italian team of scientists has examined the question. Read the whole study.
Brexit brings a lot of challenging problems, some easier to solve, others harder. One of them is pharmacovigilance. How will it be affected by Brexit? The European database EudraVigilance for... read more →
That artificial intelligence and the product liability questions that come with it are not only a topic for lawyers in Europe, but legal experts all over the world, is obvious.... read more →